Dear Betty [Healy]:-
                Thanks yours of Sept.3Oth.
I too can't understand why I did'nt get your last letter. I know you always put a return address on them & should have got it back by now - am positive it was never delivered here - can't figure it.
    Can imagine how you felt with the fire being so close, must have been an awful experience, those things terrify me, am scared to death of fire any place, however, am happy to know that that the danger is over.
    I guess you had a hectic time with the big barbeque must have been quite an affair.
    All for now Betty. Eda joins in all the best to Wayne & self & looking forward to your next.
                Sincerely as ever:-
Stan Signature

Letter from Stan Laurel to Ben Shipman
STAN LAUREL LETTERHEAD - 1111 Franklin Ave., Santa Monica, CA - HANDRWITTEN

My Dear Ben [Shipman]:-
    Herewith cheque from the Home Insurance Co. The full amount due me is Fifty Five Dollars ($55.)
                Regards & Best -
Stan Signature

Note from the Editor

Insurance Company payment was reimbursement for damages from a bedroom fire at the Laurel home at 1111 Franklin Avenue.

Stan Watermark