July 1st.'53.
Dear Nellie [Bushby]-
    Eda & I saw the Coronation film at home here on our Television, just eight hours after the ceremony! was'nt that amazing? what an age we are living in. We thought it was wonderful, needless to tell you I felt very proud & thrilled. A credit to Dear Old England, it was magnificent.

STAN LAUREL LETTERHEAD - 1111 Franklin Ave., Santa Monica, CA - TYPEWRITTEN

                July 3rd.'53.
My Dear Betty [Healy]-
                Thanks yours of June 29th.
Nice to hear from you again, but sorry to hear that you had been so ill & the unhappy visit with Marcia. That was terrible, can imagine how much it upset you, being in that awful surrounding, & fully understand your not wanting to ever visit there again. Enough to make anyone ill, it must have been a shock to see her in such a condition after knowing her to have been a nice looking girl, just shows you what that booze can do to some people, especially if they are weak minded. Its too bad - poor soul, what a life!
    I was pleased that you met Eda on the phone, she enjoyed talking with you & sends her best hopes you are feeling better by now. Glad to note you are having your teeth attended to, thats very important for the health dept. if you let them go, they can cause you a lot of trouble & plenty of Doctors bills!
    Thanks for the suggestions of ideas for an act Betty, in a haunted castle could be very funny, but would have more scope the screen than a stage. The Customs Idea I saw done in England last year in a pantomime, & went very well. Incidently , Daphne Pollard did the same thing in vaudeville for several years, she did a little Cockney dame arriving in New York from England, I saw her at the Palace N.Y. I have'nt seen or heard from her for over five years, I called her on the phone when I returned from England in '47. She balled me out for not sending her a post card from over there, said she would'nt talk to me again & hung up. so that is that. Her boy friend Jack Hanley, married Lucille (The girl you took up to your house to take care of, remember?) Maybe you knew. Jack has done very well at Columbia for several years in the writing dept. before that at Universal international for quite a long time.
    Glad to know you are comfortable & Happy in your new home, altho' can imagine you are pretty lonesome when Wayne is away. All here as usual, but will have to start thinking about getting ready to leave in the middle of Sept. Time passes so quickly & I hate to rush at the last minute. All for now Betty, Eda joins in kind thoughts & every good wish to Wayne & self. Will keep you posted once in a while.
                Bye now.
Stan Signature

Note from the Editor

Daphne Pollard, real name Daphne Trott, (1892-1978) came to Los Angeles, California at the age of 16 in July 1907. She played a role in The Bohemian Girl at a Los Angeles theater that September playing a girl seven years of age. She looked very young because she was small and not well-developed for her actual age.

STAN LAUREL LETTERHEAD - 1111 Franklin Ave., Santa Monica, CA - HANDWRITTEN

                JULY 8th.'53.

Dear Frank Blair,
                Thanks yours 2nd.inst.
Pleased to note you met my friends the Lorraine's & that you enjoyed his performance. He is (apart from his show) a very fine artiste & makes beautiful & exceptional paintings at his London Studio & has done a lot of Mural work at some of the finest hotels. Can imagine they were surprised to meet you.
    Enclosed is a picture of us in "Bonnie Scotland." I came across it among a lot of old stills. Sorry - Mr Hardy's signature is not on it, as we very seldom see each other during our rest period (He lives about 30 minutes from me), so my contact is mostly by Phone. However, we are returning to England end of Sept. so maybe you will have a chance to have him sign it then - either in person or thru the mail.
    All for now. Please convey my best wishes to your Mother & Dad & same to yourself.
                Sincerely always -
Stan Laurel Signature

STAN LAUREL LETTERHEAD - 1111 Franklin Ave., Santa Monica, CA - TYPEWRITTEN

We saw the Coronation film at home here. We thought it a wonderful and beautiful sight and needless to tell you I felt very proud and thrilled.

Stan Laurel

                July 10th.'53.

W.H.Weaver Esq.,
33,Caldwell Road,

My Dear Jock [Weaver]:-
    Just recd. the Coronation souvenir edition of the "Daily Express". It was certainly nice of you & I appreciate your kind thought very much. Thank you Jock.
    We saw the Coronation film at home here, just eight hours after the ceremony, is'nt that amazing - what an age we are living in! We thought it a wonderful & beautiful sight & needless to tell you I felt very proud & thrilled, a great credit to Dear Old England. It was magnificent!
    We are returning to England again sometime in September, so will probably sail on one of the "QUEENS" Which one is Jack Alderson on now? hope we get on the same ship. Jimmy Murphy was out here a few months ago & as usual a million laughs - what a guy!
    Glad to tell you I am feeling much better in the health dept. gained back a lot of weight & all ready to GO again. The nice long rest did wonders for me.
    Mrs L. joins in kind regards & every good wish to your Mother & self - trust alls well & happy.
     Bye Jock, hope to be seeing you again.
                Sincerely always::-
Stan Signature                 STAN LAUREL.

STAN LAUREL LETTERHEAD - 1111 Franklin Ave., Santa Monica, CA - TYPEWRITTEN

                July 17th.'53.
Mr & Mrs Lorraine
25,Ladydell Road,

My Dear Lawrie & Jeanette:-
    Thanks for your newsy letter of the 7th.inst.
    It was nice to hear from you again & to know that all is well with you both. Sorry to note Bus. not too good, as you say, probably the aftermath of the Coronation, spending all their cash celebrating the wonderful occasion. Everyone I hear from tells me that the Bus. has been very slow, so do'nt be down 'earned! every cloud 'as a silver - come to think of it, I do'nt think Lawrie uses silver on his clouds, I never saw him mixing any!.
    Quite a while ago, I had a letter from a young fellow requesting a photo. He was working at some Hotel in Worthing, so I took the liberty of telling him to drop in & see you. He wrote me again later & told me he had visited you & was thrilled to death. From his letter he seemed like a nice boy. (Just returned from Korea)
    Sounds like you are having a real nice time - picnics every day on the lawn etc. & not having to pack up & travel every week. I have'nt heard from Billy Marsh for quite a while, guess, he is plenty busy, surprised to hear he is getting Fat, maybe you just saw him front ways! (sideways, you can't see him at all). We are leaving here in September for England, but will first go to Dublin for about a month, to rehearse & prepare a new act to open in Eng. in October sometime. Our reason for going to Eire is, to avoid using up some of our working time allowed - if we rehearsed in London, that month would be deducted from our time limit, even tho' we were not working. Glad you are going to give some thought re coming over here, Am sure you could get bookings through the Lew Grade Office. maybe Billy Marsh could help you in that direction.
    Well kids, all for now. Eda joins in love & best.
                As ever:-
Stan Signature

STAN LAUREL LETTERHEAD - 1111 Franklin Ave., Santa Monica, CA - TYPEWRITTEN

                July 31st.'53.
Julien Musafia Esq.,
126.W.Hidgewood Place.

My Dear Julian Musafia:-
    Thank you for your kind letter of the 25th.inst. also the Santa Barbara News-Press clipping, which is most interesting. My congratulations & wishes for continued success, which accordingly is very evident.
    I shall be delighted to meet you personally & will have Mrs Laurel make arrangement through Mrs.Borina to visit here. I am at present preparing to leave for England on Aug. 30th. so probably will see you during this month.
    You may be surprised to know, I used to play Piano too. In those days you only had to put in five cents, but now it costs ten cents - so I do'nt play it anymore!
    Bye now.
    Regards & best wishes.
                Sincerely always:-
Stan Signature                 STAN LAUREL.

Note from the Editor

Julien Musafia (1925-2015) was an American pianist, born in Bucharest, Romania.

Stan Watermark