Dear Betty [Healy]:
    Enjoyed so much seeing you again - thought you looked very well indeed & Wayne too - it was wonderful to get a few good laughs again.
    Trust you had no parking difficulties & arrived home safely with the couch & washing machine. After you left I read your story article - it was wonderful Betty - beautifully written - you deserve a lot of credit & admiration,you have great talent Betty.
    I ordered the little electric Fan for you, it should arrive in about a week, but you will have to get a couple of batteries for it as those are not included in the order. You can get them at your local hardware store after you pick it up at the Post Office - they'll put them in for you. You can stand it on top of your dash board in the car on your way home & keep cool - take the front of the fan cage off so you'll get more breeze - hope you'll enjoy it.
    All for now Betty - take care of yourself.
    Love & best from us both here to Wayne & self.
                As ever:
Stan Signature


Dear Booth [Colman]:
    Enclosed clipping out of Aug.4th. issue of 'Reporter' re U.S. Productions Abroad in the near future. If you have'nt already read this, thought it would give you further inspiration to gird your loins & set Sail for the Shores of Sunny Spain ---- 'And may the Best Man Win'!!!
    Kidding aside Booth it does sound encouraging & worthwhile.
    We finally got a letter from the British Consul in Moscow, he requests further information on the matter - birth dates etc. & rest of the Family info. so he can check with some Russian Bureau who handle these situations. Anyway, Eda is very delighted about it all, she found a few more details, checking through some old correspondence from her folks, so it may be of some help. (I sent this on to them).
    Mickey Rooney called me yesterday, he was very enthusiastic. It seems that he & Jackie Gieason are both hot on the idea of making a good old fashioned Slapstick film together & doing it in the characters of L&H & they want me to colaborate on a story they have in mind for a feature length in Color (not TV.] L&H would be in the deal 50% & a salary for me throughout the production. Mickey had already talked with Ben Shipman & he & his manager are to meet with Ben to-day to draw up an agreement, there will be a cash consideration to hold an option till they are ready to start.
    Ben will call me if a deal materializes, so do'nt voice it around Booth till I know definitely - if it does go through, no doubt it will be well covered by the press.
    I too have just got the finished script on the L&H book which is now in the hands of E.H.Dutton Co. for their approval, so things are looking pretty bright again thank God.
    Looking forward to seeing you soon Booth. Take care of yourself.
    Love & best from us both here.
                As ever:
Stan Signature

RUBBER STAMP - 849 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica, CA - TYPEWRITTEN

                August 7th.'59.
Dear Betty [Healy]:
                Thanks yours,3rd.inst.
Sorry to hear you got a parking ticket - it not so much the cost, but the trouble & inconvenience it puts you too - think it would have been easier for you to mail it in. Anyway, at least you had an interesting chat with the desk sergeant - I too remember that Clara Bow case very well, it was quite a scandal.
    Yes,I knew the three Moore boys very well - I believe Owen & Matt died, so this one the sergeant told you about is evidently Tom, I have'nt seen or heard of for years - they were all two fisted drinkers, its amazing Tom is still alive after hitting the bottle for so many years, he must be in a hell of a shape - they were all talented actors too in their day.
    It must have been pretty late by the time you got home, having to pick oranges & load the Washing machine etc. that was a long hard trip for you in one day - must have been worn out. Tough on Wayne too, having to go to work early next AM. Anyway now that the Kid's not there, you'll have a chance to rest up & take it easy. I just remembered, Wayne did'nt have to work next day, being Sunday - note Dick Lloyd & his wife visited you for dinner.
    I feel the same way as you regarding Kids - I love them & all that, but do'nt want any part of them - a couple of hours visit is enough for me.
    Just wrote you a few days ago, so not much to tell you.
    Hope your recd. the Fan OK. Eda joins in love & best to Wayne & self.
    Take care of yourself Betty.
    God Bless.
                As ever:
Stan Signature

Note from the Editor

Clara Bow (1905–1965) was an American actress and sex symbol, best known for her silent film work in the 1920s. Bow was widely recognized as the original “It Girl.”

Owen Moore (1886-1939) and his brothers Tom (1883-1955) and Matt (1888–1937) had successful careers in motion pictures. Moore made 279 movies spanning from 1908 to 1937, possibly more than any other actor. All three have stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

RUBBER STAMP - 849 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica, CA - TYPEWRITTEN

                August 8th.'59.
Dear Rick & Marie [Capra]:
                Thanks you nice letter,1st.inst.
Your new stereophonic Accordian sounds terrific, must be magnificent otherwise I know you would'nt go to all that expense - hope you have prospects of using it commercially & will pay for itself - I imagine you are able to tone down the volume for home use, even so, I guess its pretty loud in a room - with equipment like that you could make a lot of money playing at Wedding parties & Social Affairs etc. Dance parties etc. you should get yourself an Agent Rick who books all these things - you'd be surprised how much work there is around for this type of talent - they are naturally wealthy people who give these large affairs & they are very generous to the entertainers & treat them royally. Give it some thought Rick, it could be very profitable & would'nt interfere with your teaching activities.
    I would enjoy very much hearing some numbers on your new outfit - I think Eda would like "Dark Eyes", being Russian, it would appeal to her & too she used to sing it when she appeared in Night Clubs. For me, I always liked Sophie Tucker's "Some of these Days" or "The Trail of the lonesome Pines" - you remember, Hardy & I sang that in "Way out West" film.
    The tape of our act is already made, but I have'nt got it back yet, so will ship it to you as soon as I get it. I also had put on to it, an arrangement of our theme music "The Dance of the Cuckoos" - this was made in London,Eng. by the Columbia Recording Orchestra in 1932. I think you will like it, its a special arrangement, it covers the motif of Ireland, Scotland & Wales, its very interesting.
    Sorry I can't sing soprano for you Marie - that was'nt my voice in "Bohemian Girl" nor was the Base voice - I did sing part of the number in "Way out West" just a few bars, a man & woman did the rest.
    No, Hardy had no children - I had one Daughter & now two Grandchildren, Boy & a Girl 9 & 10 years old.
    Note your're destroying the Moths in N.J. I think a couple of them must have escaped.!!
    Think thats the lot for now. Eda joins in love & best to you all - take care of yourselves.
                As ever:
Stan Signature

RUBBER STAMP - 849 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica, CA - TYPEWRITTEN

                August 11th.'59.
Dear Rick & Marie [Capra]:
    Just to let you know am mailing the Tape of the L&H act, also a list of explanations which will be of some help to you I think.
    After I had packed it, I found I had'nt put the little drawing of the setting, so please find it enclosed - I'm a very poor artist, so excuse my bad attempt - anyway its a rough idea.
    In haste.
                As ever:
Stan Signature

Stan Laurel Sketch

RUBBER STAMP - 849 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica, CA - TYPEWRITTEN

                August 17th.'59.
Dear Jennie & Jack [Racey]:
                Thanks yours,14th.Inst.
Sorry to hear about the upset in the help dept., strange they both left for the same reason & too in the same area (Down South), thats quite a coincidence - if true? Did they say If they would return or not?.     I can Imagine how helpless you must have felt when they left all of a sudden. Anyway, it was fortunate you were able to get someone in right away. I still think you'd be better off in getting Foreign Refugees - much more reliable - if they had any deaths in their family, they would'nt be able to walk out on you - too dam far to go.
    Hope you'll be able to get along OK till you find a satisfactory couple again - next time get a couple of Orphans.!
    Glad you got a laugh out of the 'Nurse cartoon' Jack - incidently, did I tell you about a Drunk type guest at one of the swank Las Vegas Hotel's? - during one of his Spree's he urinated in the swimming pool & was requested to leave immediately - on receiving the notice he stormed down to the manager & was very indignant - 'What the hell's the idea of picking on me? everybody else around here does it.!! The manager: 'That may be so Sir, BUT NOT FROM THE DIVING BOARD'.!!.
    Note Freddy brought you a big box of Candy Jennie - sure sounds tempting - hope you left some for Jack.!! I bet you had a grand time riding in the new 'Thunder-Bird' - they're wonderful little cars, so attractive.
    Do you know Wallace Ford the Actor? you've probably seen him many times on the screen - he came to visit me yesterday & with him was Mae Clark - remember her? she was a Star in the early silent films. It was the first time I'd met her, she looks wonderful for her age & very charming - I've known 'Wally' for many many years, he's a great character & a lot of fun to be with.
    Think thats all for now. Regards & best from us both here.
                As ever:
Stan Signature                 Stan Laurel.

Note from the Editor

Mae Clarke (1910-1992) was an American actress most noted for playing Dr. Frankenstein’s bride in Frankenstein (1931), and for having a grapefruit smashed into her face by James Cagney in The Public Enemy (1931).


Dear Edwin Longstaffe:
                Thanks your nice letter, 4th.inst.
It was indeed nice to hear from you & to know I shall soon be seeing you. Sounds like you have a heavy schedule to fulfill during your stay in Los Angeles & your only chance to visit me will be on the first day of your arrival, the 15th. Anyway, phone me as soon as you get settled in the hotel, so we can figure out a means of you getting to Santa Monica – my phone number is EXBrook 3–5656.
    I imagine you will be flying to New York - wish you a pleasant trip & Happy Landing.
    Note you think you met me in 1914. - Am afraid you're mistaken Edwin, I was in the States at that time, I came over here in 1910 with Charlie Chaplin, we were appearing in the late Fred Karno's 'Mumming Birds'.
    However, I got a big kick out of your description of the old Chapel being converted in to a cinema & the original 'Pews' retained for seating purpose - I guess they kept the organ too to accompany the silent films - the old congregation must have been shocked to see their place of Worship so distorted.
    Please convey my best to Mr & Mrs Hogg, & my kindest regards to self & Family.
    Take care of yourself.
    Good luck & God Bless.
                Sincerely always
Stan Laurel Signature


Dear Jan Meers:
    Thank you for your nice letter just recd.
    It was indeed nice to hear from you after hearing so much of you through Donna Prieb.
    Thank you for your kind sentiments regarding my dear late Partner & myself - certainly gracious of you, & much appreciated.
    Note you are going to enlist soon - that should be quite a new experience for you - wish you lots of luck Jan. How long will you have to Serve?
    I too hope when you come to the U.S.A. I shall have the pleasure of meeting you personally. Donna may have already told you that I visited Rotterdam in 1912, I appeared at the 'Circus Variete'. This place may not be there anymore, I think it was located across from a Railroad Station - you probably know where it was. The name of the agents that booked the show in there was Picheler & Dekker, their office was in a Cafe at the corner of Helmer str. I wonder if that is still there?
    All for now Jan.
    My kindest regards & every good wish.
    Take care of yourself.
                Sincerely always:
Stan Laurel Signature                 Stan Laurel.


Most of these books covering the history of the movies have never devoted much space to Laurel and Hardy. We were never popular with ‘high-brow’ writers or critics for some reason, even though we were public favorites throughout the world.

Stan Laurel

                August 17th.'59.
Dear Earl [Shank, Jr.]:
                Thanks your nice letter,12th.inst.
Glad you are enjoying "The Liveliest Art" book - when was it published? I believe I have a copy of it in my library collection, my books being stored away am not too sure, seems to me I read it. Most of these books covering the history of the Movies have never devoted much space to L&H - we were never popular with 'high-brow' writers or critics for some reason, even tho' we were public favorites throughout the World, we were regarded as little consequence to them ('The critics') I note the author of this book quoted that we were 'Stage trained & could talk', as it happens, Hardy had little or no stage training at all & my stage experience was basically pantomimic - very seldom talked, & when we ventured into the Sound period of films we fortunately decided to do as little talking as possible, as we knew we were'nt capable of dialogue, we were Clowns, not actors, we let all the others do the talking - after a while of course we did start to talk more as we got accustomed to it, but we still relied on our pantomime mostly all through our career.
    The L&H book Is finally finished, all we have to do now is to find a publisher who will accept it - so far, E.P.Dutton Co. in New York rejected it - they do'nt say why. I guess we'll just have to keep on submitting it to different firms & hope for the best.
    Sorry you're still having trouble over the lease, thats certainly exasperating - too bad you have to put up with it. Anyway, hope you'll soon get it straightened out & will get an opportunity to get out of there.
    No, have'nt heard a word from Steve Allen as yet - maybe he's had a change of mind. However I'm not worried about it one way or the other - thats Show Bus. you can't depend on anything or anybody in this profession.
    That was funny, Eisenhower walking around with odd shoes on - I can imagine he has a lot on his mind these days, so much responsibility on his shoulders - I guess he'll be a very happy guy when his term ends.
    Walter Eccles told me that Jean's Mother & Dad, dropped in to visit them - understand they like Phoenix very much & were looking around for a spot to build a Motel or something for income property - that would be wonderful if they were there to meet you on arrival & were all settled down.
    Re the Vitamins Earl. Am sorry if I hurt your feelings or offended you in anyway by my wanting to pay you for them, I realise the spirit which prompted you to send them, & as I've told you, I deeply appreciate the kind thought & gesture but I feel really embarrased not being able to reciprocate in some way - you have sent so many nice gifts during our long correspondence I feel ashamed to keep on accepting them from you & having nothing to send you but a humble 'Thanks' which makes me feel very cheap, so please do'nt send any more Earl,i t really worries me.
    I have'nt tried the vitamins yet, as I have'nt finished the others I have (Unicap's) I dld'nt check with my Dr. re the 'Eldec' - I do'nt see him too often as he lives away out in the Valley & I hate to drive so far in such heavy traffic - he charges $15. for a visit here, which is too steep for me these days. If he Okays the Eldec's you can send me some 'Collect', but only on this condition.
    I do'nt know if Geo. Raft still has connections in Cuba or not, he may have an interest in the Night Club there, unless Castro took over entirely - am afraid we're going to have trouble with that new government, they sound on the Communistic side.
    All for now Earl. Mrs L. joins in regards & kind thoughts to you all.
    Good luck & God Bless.
                As ever:
Stan Signature

Letter from Stan Laurel to Marie Hatfield
RUBBER STAMP - 849 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica, CA - TYPEWRITTEN

                August 21st.'59.
Dear Mrs [Marie] Hatfield:
    Thanks yours,I9th.inst. & too for your previous letter of July l8th. which I neglected to answer - I intended to several times, but had really nothing much to tell you of any interest, so figured I'd wait. Am afraid the situation is still 'Status Quo'.
    Re-planting the Begonias was quite a job - I used to have borders of them out at the ranch, they're very attractive. Am fond of giant pansies too, such wonderful coloring.
    Surprised to note you've been having cool weather, its still quite hot here - over a 100 out in the Valley & is expected to continue.
    Note the L&H films are still running up there, they are seldom on here. I have'nt been watching TV very much during this Summer season - nothing but re-runs, my only interest is the Fights & News - next month of course we'll be getting new programs & something worth while looking at.
    Pleased to tell you, we both here feel pretty good - no serious complaints in the health dept. thank goodness.
    Mrs L. joins in every good wish to you all.
                Sincerely always:
Stan Laurel Signature                 Stan Laurel.


My Dear Trixie [Wyatt]:
    Thanks your welcome letter,24th.inst.
    We think of you quite often & wonder what's 'gaan on wi yer hinney', so its nice to know alls well with you.
    Yes, I understand you've had a wonderful summer this year, am sure you're enjoying that & have taken advantage of the sunshine, which is not too frequent around the North.
    I had a letter recently from Charles Henry, he produces shows for Moss Empires - you probably know him Trixie. He handles the Palladium Sunday night TV show, also the Prince of Wales Sunday TV, & the Manchester Royal Command show - I believe he comes from Sunderland. Anyway, he told me the S'land Empire is still up for sale & they do'nt intend to ever open it again as a Variety house.
    Am sure you miss your Thursday night visits there very much, must be pretty dull for you now with no entertainment in Town - especially if you do'nt have a TV set.
    Do you have any boarders Trixie?
    Thats nice that you see Dolly occasionally - give her my love & best next time you meet. I have'nt heard of Jackie Harrison or Jack Graham either for a long time now, either of them answered my last letters - maybe they'll send a card at Xmas time - they generally do.
    Not much news to tell you dear - Eda & I are feeling pretty good & getting along OK. Take care of yourself Trixie.
    Love & fond thoughts from us both here.
                As ever:
Stan Signature                 Stan Laurel.

RUBBER STAMP - 849 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica, CA - TYPEWRITTEN

                August 29th.'59.
Dear Betty [Healy]:
    Thanks yours,27th.inst. with enclosure of 3rd. issue of your news column. Yes I recd. the other two - the first one I acknowledged already. Each one is improving Betty & am glad to know your style is becoming popular in the Communities around there,this should give you a lot of encouragement & ambition.
    If I may suggest, I think it would be better if you held back the 'Beauty Tips' 'Recipes' & 'Diet' information etc. till the end of the column. In other words keep these items seperate from your news - its like a commercial breaking in on an interesting story. It kills the mood you started off with, being so unexpected, at least thats the re-action I got.
    I too think it would be a good idea to use that picture of yourself in Western Costume at the head of your column, its a good photo of you & would be attractive & appropriate, it would too make you familiar with your readers & give a nice impression of your personality.
    Re the L&H comic strip Betty, this idea has been considered several times in the past, & quite a few sample drawings have been submitted to us by different artists. One or two or them were excellent & we accepted them, but for some reason, they never were able to make a deal with the papers, we gave these artists the right to offer them, but nothing ever came or it. However if Mr Flanders & yourself want to try & do something with it, I have no objection whatsoever. If Mr Flanders can make a successful contact with the A.P. Mr Shipman would be pleased to discuss the matter fully with him & would handle the deal accordingly. You see Betty, the L&H Corporation still exists, & any deals that include the Hardy Estate have to go through this Corpn., I myself have no full authority in anything that Babe is connected with, Ben Shipman is the only one who can give a written permission to go ahead & promote this strip idea, & am sure if Mr Flanders needs this authority, Ben will be pleased to co-operate.
    Eda is looking forward to seeing the picture & will be happy to have one of mine in Color too - I appreciate your sweet thought in suggesting this Betty - hope someday I shall be able to [reciprocate] your kindness. Will send you the picture under seperate cover next week, its an old photo - taken B.C. !!
    All for now Betty. Take care or yourself. Continued success on your journalistic venture.
    Eda joins in love & best to Wayne & Self.
                As ever:
Stan Signature

Stan Watermark